Friday, 15 March 2013

Cervical Cancer Awareness Flyer

Saw this flyer on my way home and hope that I am helping by sharing this :

They need better header & I need a better camera.
Hmmm... Time to drum up some donation.. anyone..? hello...?

In order not to pull your eyelids up for a couple of hours reading what I wrote, I’ve attached some helpful links (which I think are pretty helpful) instead :

2) Power Over Cervical Cancer (make sure your speaker is not on the high side. Else, like me, you’d probably jump by a sudden talking voice)

Please note I do not work for any of these individuals nor organizations and do remember to take some precautionary measure (i.e. If it looks suspicious, it most likely is) by contacting :

For company, bodies or organization

1) ROC / SSM - Registrar of Companies / Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia @ Companies Commission of Malaysia

2) ROS - Registrar of Societies Malaysia

For Medical Practitioner

1) MMA - Malaysian Medical Association

2) MOH Malaysia - Ministry of Health Malaysia

For those who are unsure, both Cervical Cancer Awareness Month & Cervical Cancer Prevention Week is in January. So mark your calendar and do your annual pap smear. Like they say - Prevention Is Better Than Cure.

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Womyn Like Us - Womyn's Movie Month

*Disclaimer : Please note that I am just sharing the details of this event and not the organizer(s) so I do not own / hold any rights (creative or otherwise) to any of the information shared*

March 8th marks International Women's Day (IWD). The focus of the celebrations ranges from general celebration of respect, appreciation and love towards women to a celebration for women's economic, political and social achievements.

Womyn are diverse. We come in all shapes and sizes, religions and ethnicities, classes and social backgrounds, as well as sexual orientations and gender expressions. 

However, a womyn who does not look or act the way society expects her to, who 'crosses' traditional gender roles, and challenges the stereotypical image of what a womyn should be, is in many cases discriminated. Being 'queer' invites persecution simply because it does not conform to social conventions. 

For this year's IWD, we bring you a month of very special movies around the themes of sexuality and gender expression - two of the most taboo and controlled aspects of a womyn's life.

1) 2 March - Circumstance

2) 9 March - Gendernauts

Gendernauts (march 9, 2013) Germany/U.S. 1999, 86 min, in English. 

Gendernauts explores phenomena of gender fluidity at the end of the millennium in the Bay Area, California. It is a film about cyborgs, people who alter their bodies and minds with new technologies and chemistry, with an emphasis on biological women who use the male sexual hormone testosterone. We get to know San Francisco's leading gender mixers:Max Wolf Valerio, who reads from his book, Max, A Man; Jordy Jones and his net art; Texas Tomboy and his video art; Safford, who explores new business venues and, together with Jordy Jones, organizes "Club Confidential," the world's leading gender bender event. We meet Hida, an intersexed woman, who happily inhabits the middle ground between male and female; and two extraordinary biological women who support transgender people: sex goddess Annie Sprinkle and ex-centerfold model Tornado, who was Stafford's lover and is the self proclaimed mother of Texas Tomboy. We take excursions into the life of the spotted hyena, a very special animal society. The female hyena has an enlarged clitoris that looks like a penis. Her bloodstream carries a large amount of testosterone especially when she's pregnant. Our tour guide for the journey through shifting gender identities is Sandy Stone, also known as the "Goddess of Cyberspace," Who is Director of the ACTLab at the University of Texas at Austin.

3) 16 March - Unveiled

4) 23 March - Children of Srikandi

5) 30 March - Word Is Out

Embrace and celebrate our diversity!

Screenings are free but are by invite only. For tickets please RSVP to